Friday, December 21, 2007

The Play, The Player & The PJ's

Last weekend was a great pre-Christmas time with family. Jason, me and the girls, along with our friends, Uncle Jason and Aunt Michelle, went to the Christmas pagent at our Church. Our seats were right up front, so we had a great view of everything, even the live animals. Never in my life have I enjoyed a play more than that. Seeing the amazement plastered all over the girls faces was truly special. They were in awe. They kept leaning over to ask me the best questions, like if the backdrop was "real stars?". My favorite of the night, however, was when they asked..."Mama, is that really Jesus???!!!" They were thrilled! For a play that kept adult audiences engaged and moved, it did the same for Obse and Sela. The lights, the music, the fancy costumes of the modern half and the Biblical characters of the second half...nothing was overlooked or unappreciated by them!

The next day we got to celebrate Christmas with Jason's side of the family. Oh, how the girls have been longing for some high heels. Well, their Aunt Julie went through her closet and wrapped up 6 pairs of high heels for the girls! They had no clue they were not brand new. To them, they were exactly what they had been wishing for. In fact, they each were wearing a pair of their very own "new" high heels when we stopped by at their night at grandma and big papa's.
Well, this little man has his great grandma (and big papa) wrapped right around his teensy finger. They have a routine now that if he's there when he wakes up from his nap, they need to each get a snack, something to drink and rock in the big chair until he is fully awake and ready to play. What's even more pittiful is that I don't know which one of them enjoys this more. And you may notice that in the picture there is an extra cracker sitting on the shelf. That's because Tobin likes to "look over there and make sure there is more for him." And sadly, I myself wittnessed the little player doing exactly that! Ridiculous!

The girls got to wear their pj's to school for their last day before Christmas break. Boy, did they think that was fun and silly. And not only that, they had been counting down to Friday all week because "...we are going to have a par..y (sometimes you don't quite hear Sela's "t" sounds) and have SOOO much fun!" Since Friday nights are spent at Grandma and Big Papa's house, we tried to tell them that as they were already in their pajamas grandma was going to just put them to bed after school. But they weren't falling for our shenanagins. Sometimes, we just can't pull the wool over these babies eyes!


Krulls in Haiti said...

So precious... I think its funny how girly your girls are :) Mr. T-Bone is quite the character! And, by the way, you look incredible... simply fabulous!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey there please can i get obse please I'm her brother from Ethiopia and her grandma is in comma and I promised her to get obse please help me